Dachaigh> Products> Spraeadh nasal uisge mara> Spraeadh nasal uisge seatair hypertonic> Spray uisge mara uisge mara airson sinusitis
Spray uisge mara uisge mara airson sinusitis
Spray uisge mara uisge mara airson sinusitis
Spray uisge mara uisge mara airson sinusitis
Spray uisge mara uisge mara airson sinusitis
Spray uisge mara uisge mara airson sinusitis
Spray uisge mara uisge mara airson sinusitis
Spray uisge mara uisge mara airson sinusitis

Spray uisge mara uisge mara airson sinusitis

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Seòrsa Pàighidh:L/C
Buadhan toraidh

Teisteanas Càileachd Toraidhce

Seòrsachadh Inneal MeidigeachClas I.

Ìre SàbhailteachdEN 149 -2001 + A1-2009

Pacadh & Lìbhrigeadh
Aonadan reic : Bottle
Tuairisgeul an toraidh



Hypertonic saline solution (20--23 gr/l) made up of 100% natural seawater in spray format for nasal hygiene.
A cold microfiltered hypertonic seawater solution, produced using the original protocol created by physiologist and biologist. It moistens the nasal mucous membrane and helps remove nasal discharge. The spray is recommended for pre- and post-operative nasal surgery use, severe cold and flu, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), rhinopharyngitis (common cold)and sinusitis..
As this spray hydrates, flushes and clears out the upper airways, it is especially recommended for the prevention and treatment of the following conditions: 
Pre and post-operative nasal surgery. 
Flu-like symptoms. 
Severe colds and cough. 
Allergic rhinitis (hay fever). 
Rhinopharyngitis (common cold). 
60ml, 80ml, 100ml, 120ml
Recommended Use
3 to 6 times a day
Hypertonic solution (21--23 g/l): seawater (60 ml); water (40 ml).
Suitable for adults and children 6 years and older.
How to use?
Attach the nozzle to the bottle. Press the nozzle until it produces a spray. Carefully insert the end of the nozzle into one nostril and tilt your head to the opposite side. Press the nozzle and inhale until it is completely flushed. Repeat the process in the second nostril. When finished, wash the nozzle with soapy water.
Dachaigh> Products> Spraeadh nasal uisge mara> Spraeadh nasal uisge seatair hypertonic> Spray uisge mara uisge mara airson sinusitis
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